Friday, January 25, 2013


After celebrating the first anniversary of my blog on 2nd April, 2010, I kind of went into hibernation for almost three years. As they say too much of a celebration is not good for one's health :). On the eve of our 64th Republic Day, looks like I have finally recovered from my post celebration hangover, mess or slumber; whatever you may call it. And now I am ready to take on the world with renewed vigour and vitality. I am positive about changing the way I have been living these past three years so that I can get different results this time around in 2013.

I do not want to be branded insane and the same should hold true for all of you. In this regard, I would like to quote a very insightful dialogue on Insanity from the Hollywood movie, Wall Street-2 : "Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. By that standard most of us are insane". So let's get over this insanity and act differently this year to get somewhat different results from life. Mind you, CHANGE is the only CONSTANT in life.

How you plan and implement your ideas in the first 90 days of the new year usually shapes up the rest of the year for you. I am not recommending any new year resolutions which are most likely to be broken but only hoping that we all change the flow of life in 2013 a little bit. So have you already got down to jotting the things you are going to do differently this year? I have and here they are:- 1. I for one have pledged not to procrastinate anymore this year, so I am up and about writing my blog again after close to three years. 2. Secondly, I need to RUN more as I have been running intermittently since the new year started with biting cold. 3. Thirdly, I need to give a total break to my online shopping as it had become very addictive this past year. I think I will be better off just visiting some malls and ogling at the hip crowd for a change:). 4. Fourthly, I need to feed and support the deprived poor and underprivileged as I totally forgot them in 2012. 5. Last but not the least, we all need to respect and appreciate our women more and make them feel safe at any cost.

One advice to today's youth to bring a difference to their lives: Stop dreaming about the elevator to success as there is none; better take the stairs. So let us all take a deep breath and then try to face our innermost demons, spread our wings and surely we will soar high in the sky but in a DIFFERENT way this year. And I bet the results will be much satisfactory than last year.