Friday, December 11, 2009


I don't know how many of you would have listened to the famous 80's rock band, REO Speedwagon's smash hit album, "Hi Infidelity". It was one great album though, I can vouch for that having heard it many a time. But I'm sure Tiger Wood's infidelities are buzzing around in everybody's ears. Since the past more than two weeks, when ace golfer Tiger Woods crashed his car outside his Florida mansion while reportedly fleeing his angry wife, the print and electronic media (not only in the US but all over the world) has really hyped up the frenzy attached with the news to feed us with all kinds of stories regarding his womaniser ways and his alleged infidelity. Every day as you read the morning paper, a new girl claiming to be Tiger's mistress crops up. Sometimes I wonder, the man truly has a great appetite for women like his PGA titles. He has become a butt of so many jokes on front pages of most newspapers. Is there any method in this madness ? Till my last count it was 11 girls until I read the following astonishing news item : "Mistresses of Tiger Woods March on Washington." You also need to read the same to believe the story on the following link . The news claims that in one of the largest mass demonstrations in recent history, over one million women claiming to have had sexual liaisons with Tiger Woods marched on Washington on 7th December, 2009.

I mean what a way to bring a global legend and icon (till a few days back) down...a massive fall from grace right into the abyss of ignominy. Pepsi has already cancelled his Gatorade drink endorsement and more such cancellations are bound to follow since he is no more considered a national or global icon. In US they have already stopped airing all Tiger Woods ads. Tiger Woods’s problems seem to be multiplying with the American media reporting the existence of a love child and sex tapes of the golfer. Friends of his wife, Elin Nordegren, however, have said that the golfer’s wife although devastated planned to stay with him for the sake of their children despite his philandering ways. “She is a child of divorce and that’s not something she’s likely to want to do to her children,” an unnamed friend told People magazine. But you never know what transpires in future and despite Tiger admitting to his transgressions and apologising for his sins to his family in the media, his reputation is under fire all across the world. We still don't know to what extent the allegations about the mistresses are true but his image is definitely tarnished. Just hold your horses a bit. We all are fans of the golfer because of his golf and not because of his faithfulness (or not) to his wife. Here, I am not defending Tiger or advertising the "SAVE TIGER PROJECT" :)). But everyone has a private life and everyone messes it up once in a while. It is not for the public to scrutinise private lives and more so by writing uncomfirmed news items and giving rumormongers a field day. In any case, why choose to make him a role model on parameters other than golf ? If we do, then obviously we and the media alike are to blame. I'm sure whatever sins he has admitted to his wife after cheating her would have taught him a life-long lesson to never ever transgress. Reports say that he's taking an indefinite break from golf to repair his marriage, if at all it can be repaired. I'm glad his children are too small to understand what all is happening otherwise it would really have left them in bad taste about their hero father.

But I still doubt that whether through this scandal, all men either ordinary or celebrities would have learnt a lesson or two from Tiger's battered image so as to mend their philandering ways or my so-called 'HI INFIDELITIES'. As the cliche goes : 'Men will be Men'. Even their pretty wives won't deter them from going astray every now and then. Most still fantasize of bedding every beautiful woman they come across but never admit that in reality. However, you will have to ask God whether he will save them from their wives' wrath or not. We can only speculate that Tiger's wife might forgive him to save her marriage. But, suppose we reverse the roles here and the husband gets to know of his wife's adulterous affairs. I'm sure he isn't going to easily digest that, leading to a messy divorce in nine out of ten cases. Gul Panag, the actress on a lighter note rightly tweeted recently on Twitter that, the next PGA tour( or Tennis grand slam, F1 race, Olympics, T-20 for that matter) should have a score card for 'fidelity' as well to choose the 'true' winner. Ha..Ha..Ha...